Comic Com Project Plan 2014 (Complete)
14 Monday Jul 2014
Written by rhyous in Members Only, Projects Completed
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PROJECT COMPLETE! It was a great success.
Comic Con Chair
Christine Haggerty
Comic Con Authors
Paid / Author name / Email
- [X] Jared Barneck –
- [X] Angela Hartley –
- [X] Christine Nielson Haggerty –
- [X] Holli Lloyd Anderson –
- [X] Jason King –
- [X] Christauna Asay –
- [X] Jennifer Greyson –
- [X] Ruth Harris Craddock –
- [X] Michelle (Lehua) Parker –
- [X] Johnny Worthen –
- [X] Addrienne Monson –
- Hardware: Angela Hartley
- Cashwrap: Jared Barneck
- Group Signage: Christine Haggerty
- Ebook Giveaway: Michelle Lehua Parker
- Tie-Dye: Johnny Worthen J
- Shift assignments: Adrienne Monson
- Flyer: Candace Thomas
Bookstore Format
We will be setting up three booth spaces as a single bookstore. We worked in the space at LANDesk to arrange the three 6’ tables we will be given as well as some other tables and shelves that we will bring. We will be arranging our books and items as a bookstore as well.
Only six of us in the booth space at a time.
Others out in the Con promoting and checking things out.
We will have:
1. A designated space for an author currently signing books.
2. A designated cashwrap where Jared Barneck will handle sales through his Square (hopefully others can work it too)
3. Somebody assisting cashwrap to get books into bags
4. Someone working with a device to capture emails for our giveaway ebook
5. Authors on the floor helping customers
For anybody who has worked retail, this should all look familiar. These ‘shifts’ will be scheduled, so if you are presenting or have other obligations, let us know as soon as you know.
We will NOT be assigning each author 3’ of table space, so it is really important that we know at least a little bit about each other’s books so that we can successfully cross sell. We will assign somebody to make a cheat sheet for this.
Cross Selling
Authors sell more books by cross selling than by trying to sell their own books.
We have a 6’ vinyl sign and will be ordering a second to place above our booth to take advantage of the vertical space. We will also be ordering a two-sided vertical sign on a stand to take advantage of our corner placement on the con floor. We are simply advertising Local Authors unless we think advertising “UFA Bookstore” would be more interesting. What are your ideas on this?
We are also going to display our book covers as posters along the back wall of the booth. For a cohesive look, order a 20X30 board poster from WalGreens. They are made of something similar to PVC and look great. They are also inexpensive enough that you won’t ever regret having this handy.
The Comic Con instructions explicitly says no paper posters. They didn’t enforce such, but you might as well get one that follows the rules.
We are putting together a sampler anthology as our giveaway so that we reach people who become fans and we don’t giveaway the merchandise that should be sold. We will capture emails as people register to receive their free ebook two weeks after the con. Lehua Parker will be formatting the ebook and will be sending out details on how she needs your files to be sent. This is most effectively a prologue, chapter sample, back story, etc. that reflects your book/series. The ebook will include active links to your website or social media so that they can click and buy if they are your style of fan.
We have one person who hasn’t yet paid for the booth.
We are each going to chip in $20.00 to pay for the additional booth signs (not your own book cover—that’s your responsibility), hardware, cash for change, plastic bags and flyers, drinks for the group, and miscellaneous.
Please send it to me through PayPal at Use the Send Money to a Friend so they don’t charge you a fee, and please tag the money for ComiCon Booth 2014 in the notes. Money by July 20, 2014. We have to get the signs and bags and everything ordered.
Point of Sale
Everyone needs to make a prices list of what they are selling. Put it in the following comma separated (CSV) format or excel file with same columns:
Author, Product, Quantity, Price
For example, mine would be:
Author, Product, Quantity, Price
J. Abram Barneck, Fire Light TM Paperback, 65, $19.99
J. Abram Barneck, T-Shirt Fire Light, 5, $15.99
- Capture Device—an iPad or Kindle with cell service to capture emails for the giveaway
- Cheat Sheet—a page with a few sentences regarding everybody’s books so that we can cross-sell effectively, done at least a week before the event.
- Vinyl Sign Frames—frames to hold the vinyl signs above the booth, probably made out of pipe and fittings. We are going to let the booths behind us share the back side to make friends and convince them not to complain that we are advertising above their heads.
- Artwork for Ebook cover—we would like to have an artist volunteer for this in exchange for promotion, not one of us. Please network for this opportunity.
- Please comment and volunteer for something if you haven’t already. Our group effort is making this booth AWESOME!